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Website Usage Statement

Welcome to the official website of Acer Gadget Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “this website”).

Acer Gadget Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Acer Gadget”) provides services for the e10 website ( in accordance with the Terms of Use and Acceptance (hereinafter referred to as “these terms”). When users start using this service, it means they have read, understood, and agreed to accept all the contents of these terms, and fully accept the service items and content.

Acer Gadget reserves the right to modify or change the contents of these terms at any time. The modified terms will be published on the website, and Acer Gadget will not individually notify users. Users are advised to pay attention to such modifications or changes at all times. By continuing to use this service after any modifications or changes, users are deemed to have read, understood, and agreed to accept such modifications or changes. If users do not agree with the amendments or updates to the service terms or do not accept any provision of these terms, users should immediately stop using this service.

If the user is a minor, the user’s parent(s) or guardian(s) must read, understand, and agree to all the contents of these terms and any subsequent modifications or changes before the user can use or continue to use this service. When the user uses or continues to use this service, it is presumed that the user’s parent(s) or guardian(s) have read, understood, and agreed to accept all the contents of these terms and any subsequent modifications or changes.

Both the user and Acer Gadget agree that all content related to the use of this service, including expressions of intent, will be in electronic form.


Acer Gadget Privacy Policy:

We value user privacy very much, and in our “Privacy Policy” on this website, we will explain in detail how we protect privacy and related measures. Please carefully review that Privacy Policy to understand how we collect, process, and use information about user accounts and/or user use of this service.


Protection of Children and Adolescents:

To ensure the safety of children and adolescents using the internet and to avoid privacy violations, parents (or guardians) should fulfill the following obligations: When children under the age of twelve use this service, they should be accompanied throughout by their parents (or guardians). For minors aged twelve and above, parents (or guardians) should also consider whether to give consent before using this service.


User’s Legal Obligations and Commitments:

The user promises not to use this service for any illegal purpose or in any illegal manner and agrees to comply with relevant laws in Taiwan and all international practices for using the internet. If the user is located outside Taiwan, the user also agrees to comply with the laws of their country or region. The user agrees and warrants not to use this service to engage in activities that infringe upon the rights of others or violate the law, including but not limited to:

Publishing or transmitting any defamatory, insulting, threatening, offensive, indecent, obscene, false, public order-violating, or morally objectionable text, images, or any form of files that infringe upon or damage the reputation, privacy, trade secrets, trademark rights, copyright, patent rights, other intellectual property rights, and other rights of Acer Gadget or others. Violating confidentiality obligations under law or contracts. Impersonating others to use this service. Transmitting or distributing computer viruses. Engaging in commercial activities not authorized by Acer Gadget. Posting, transmitting, or sending spam emails, chain letters, illegal or unauthorized multi-level marketing messages, and advertisements, etc. Storing any data that infringes upon the intellectual property rights of others or violates laws. Behaving in a manner that causes inconvenience, displeasure, or violates general internet etiquette towards other users of this service or third parties, or any behavior that Acer Gadget has legitimate reasons to deem inappropriate.


Changes to Service Content:

Users agree that Acer Gadget may, based on business needs and actual circumstances, add, modify, or terminate relevant service items or content without individually notifying users.

Users agree that Acer Gadget may increase, modify, or terminate relevant activities based on actual circumstances and choose the most appropriate way to inform users, including but not limited to posting announcements on this website.


Service Interruption and Discontinuation:

Acer Gadget will maintain the normal operation of the system and services using generally reasonable technologies and methods. However, Acer Gadget has the right to suspend or interrupt the provision of this service in the following situations:

Necessary maintenance and construction of Acer Gadget’s website communication equipment.

Sudden failure of electronic communication equipment.

Suspension of the electronic communication service applied by Acer Gadget, rendering it unable to provide services.

Unforeseen circumstances such as natural disasters or other events beyond Acer Gadget’s control that render Acer Gadget’s website unable to provide services.


Limitation and Exclusion of Liability:

Acer Gadget provides each function of this service as it is at the time, without any express or implied warranty for its performance, speed, completeness, reliability, security, accuracy, etc.

Acer Gadget does not guarantee that emails or their contents transmitted by this website, servers, domains, etc., will be free from harmful elements such as computer viruses. Acer Gadget also does not guarantee the correctness and uninterruptedness of the transmission and storage of emails, files, or data, and will not be liable for damages caused by failed, lost, or erroneous transmission, storage, and other factors.

Acer Gadget or its suppliers shall not be liable for any direct, special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, or any other damages, including but not limited to profit loss or data loss caused by using or performing this website or any linked website, or any information disclosed on this website or any linked website, regardless of whether it is based on contract or tort, even if Acer Gadget has been notified in advance of the possibility of such damages occurring. As some applicable laws may not allow the exclusion of liability or limitation of liability for certain losses, the liability limitations and exclusions may not apply to every user.

Intellectual Property Protection:

The software, programs, and all content on the Acer Gadget website, including but not limited to writings, images, files, information, data, website architecture, website layout, and web design, are owned by Acer Gadget or other rights holders according to the law. This includes but is not limited to trademark rights, patent rights, copyright, trade secrets, and proprietary technology. No one may use, modify, reproduce, publicly broadcast, create derivative works, distribute, publish, publicly display, reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble them without the prior written consent of Acer Gadget or other rights holders. Respecting intellectual property rights is the user’s obligation, and any violation may result in the user being liable for damages to Acer Gadget (including but not limited to legal fees and attorney fees).

Users agree not to engage in activities that infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others while using Acer Gadget’s services.

If a user engages in infringing activities, Acer Gadget may suspend all or part of the services or terminate the user’s account.

If there is evidence of intellectual property infringement, please contact Acer Gadget with a description of the infringement, contact information, a true statement, and a declaration of ownership of the legal intellectual property rights by sending an email to:


User Authorization to Acer Gadget:

Regarding data uploaded, transmitted, inputted, or provided by users, users agree that Acer Gadget’s website may collect, process, store, transmit, and use such data within a reasonable scope to provide users with other information or services, create user statistics, conduct investigations or research on internet behavior, or for any lawful use. If users do not have the legal right to authorize others to use, modify, reproduce, publicly broadcast, create derivative works, distribute, publish, publicly display certain data, and transfer these rights to third parties, do not upload, transmit, input, or provide such data to Acer Gadget without authorization. Once data is uploaded, transmitted, inputted, or provided to Acer Gadget, users are deemed to have unconditionally allowed Acer Gadget to use, modify, reproduce, publicly broadcast, create derivative works, distribute, publish, publicly display the data and to transfer these rights to others, and users have no objection to this. Users also guarantee that Acer Gadget’s use, modification, reproduction, public broadcast, creation of derivative works, distribution, publication, public display, and transfer of such data do not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of any third party; otherwise, users shall be liable for damages to Acer Gadget (including but not limited to legal fees and attorney fees).


Special Authorization:

For internet transactions or activities provided by this service, users authorize Acer Gadget to provide personal information necessary for delivery (such as recipient’s name, delivery address, contact phone number, etc.) to courier or freight companies and related cooperating companies for the purpose of completing the delivery or retrieval of goods (or gifts, etc.) as needed for the transaction or activity.


Links to Other Websites:

Any functionality linking to third-party websites provided through this website is for convenience only. Users will leave this website when using such links. Acer Gadget does not review or control such third-party websites, nor does it endorse or make any representations regarding third-party webpages. Once users decide to open third-party websites linked to this website, they assume all risks themselves.


Governing Law and Jurisdiction:

The interpretation, application, disputes, or controversies arising from or related to these terms shall be governed by Taiwanese law and shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Taipei District Court in Taiwan as the court of first instance, unless there are mandatory provisions in the law regarding jurisdiction, in which case such provisions shall apply. Last updated: May 2024.